Monday, September 11, 2006

Shit Happens

I got up early and full of energy on this anniversary of the World Trade & Convention Center disaster and decided that I would at least visit Siwash Rock to honor the memory of my mom who passed away in July 2003, which is where I threw the carnations I bought back from her Winnipeg funeral wreath.

Every day I am living with quite dramatic lower back pain which my daughter Chaya tells me is the result of the body's effort to make up the required white blood cells to fight cancer.

My energy was much more powerful than I thought.

I normally have problems making it half way around before running out of steam. Certainly by then I have to use the washroom to take a pee.

Today, I was passing under the Lion's Gate bridge and still with no bladder urges. It looks like my change of diet and daily rituals is taking effect.

As I passed under the bridge I noticed a few things.

First there was an ancient oriental fisherman in a wonderful figure 8 white hat that looked like the magician's hat on card #1 of the Tarot deck. Google the "Rider version of the Tarot" if you don't know what I am talking about. (Note: The Rider Deck Magician actually only has the symbol of infinity over his head, which is a horizontal figure 8. Check out this link from a French deck designed by Papus where the Magician is called The Juggler, to see a picture of the big floppy hat :)

Second was a dakini in a bikini, that momentarily diverted me from my path. Google "dakini" if you're still not sure. She was gorgeous and proved that my energy was pointed in a healing direction.

Third was a young man on roller blades with bare chest and a generous six pack, also looking at the dakini in the bikini. For all I know she must have been looking at him too, but for whatever reason he ignored my approach and headed straight for me.

At the exact point where our paths would have intersected, I stepped aside to let him pass.

At the same moment that I did, I heard several loud splats or splashes and heard him exclaim "Oh F***k". I think the 4 letter word in my title would have been more appropriate.

I guessed that not one, but a whole family of seagulls perched on the cliffs overhead had let loose their day's diet over his head.

I didn't look back to check, as I was sure I couldn't bear the sight!

I made it all the way home without having to take a bathroom break. This is an excellent sign!!!

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