Monday, February 05, 2007

A Caveat

I received a long email from my friend A this morning commending me for my blogged fever-battle, but indicating that she never advised me not to take anything and pointing out that a fever over 104 can kill you.

I thought it my be wise to point this out, in case an avid blog reader might take my word and try to tough out a really high fever.

By the way, two days after the last blog, I checked my blood pressure and it had popped back cork-like into the same high condition it was previous to my fever. So it was no doubt not only the fever, but 5 days in bed and the rest I took that bought everything back to normal.

I have taken another tack in the past few days.

I am trying to go to bed on an empty stomach, rather than have my body working at digestion during sleep hours. The last two nights I have slept much better because of this, and I feel much better the next morning!

This is an old rule of thumb that I have long been ignoring just because I like to eat something at home after a long day of work. But no more!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hi Baba

I am still fighting with your server as I see my comments have not been posted, but I will keep on trying. Sorry to hear the blood pressure is up but glad to hear you are cleaning up your act. I was just about to give up on pilates and physio when suddenly my physio told me that my problem is resolved. Last week I thought absolutely nothing was happening and tonight I am pain free. I had even booked an appointment to see a rheumatologist and may have to cancel it. We just keep plugging away at this stuff and voila. One day a miracle happens.