Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Peaceful Sunday Morning

It is a peaceful Sunday morning, and I am almost ready to leave for work.

I have been getting up about an hour earlier in the mornings, so that I have more time to do my own thing before heading off to my day job.

I began this morning with a prayer of thanks for the quiet silence that surrounds me today, after a hectic two or three weeks of domestic roller coaster riding.

Family problems . . . they sometimes seem never ending!

But a couple of days ago the penny dropped (as it has on other occasions and at other times) and I asked myself, "What about you? What is your relationship with yourself these days? Never mind everybody else's problems. Are you happy?"

The answer at that moment was "No, I am not happy. I am stressed."

"Well then, get happy", I told myself! (Somewhere in the far distance, Stevie Wonder's singing "Have a little talk with God...")

I guess I must have listened.

My thoughts are clear this morning.

I can hear my computer breathing, the click of the keyboard as I key in these words, and there is no peripheral background noise distracting me physically or mentally.

I love days like this!

Here's to many more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also find myself getting up an hour or two early these days, before the demands of the day overtake my spirit. Of course, the ideal would be to continue in the presence of mind or mindfulness all day long, but as we all know, distractions happen and so does stress.

My friend, John, comes over some mornings to take a shower at my place. He has only a washbasin and a toilet in his basement room. He loves my shower, he says the water pressure is great. So I prepare a modest breakfast for the two of us, boiled eggs, toast, maybe a slice of ham. Oh, and a slice of Hungarian hot pepper. We talk about old times, then we go our separate ways and start our day. Companionship is spirit lifting, when you have mutual respect.

I wish you spirit-lifting companions, Baba...

Abdul Qadir