Sunday, December 23, 2007

After the Solstice

It is Sunday morning and two days after the solstice the sky is slate gray and the rain still drizzling steadily.

All is quiet here this morning except for a few brief slammings of the neighbor’s door as he exits the apartment, a daily ritual but one that does not really disturb as he has shown me great respect in keeping the volume of his music down after I asked him to a few weeks ago.

"Well what kind of music do you like?" he countered.

"That's not the point," I replied, " I like all kinds but I don't want to hear it through my walls." I guess the penny dropped and he has been very pleasant to me ever since too.

My window ledges are soaked which means that I will be leaving with an open umbrella this morning, but there doesn’t appear to be any wind.

I opened the window to test the temperature and although it’s cold it’s not freezing and that gives me hope for a comfortable walk into work.

A few days back the holiday was looking fairly bleak due to ongoing difficulties experienced by several family members, but in the last two days I have received messages from them that give me a new hope.

As the days begin to increase in length and more light enters into them, may more light also enter into hearts and minds of those I love and help in the healing we all need so much.

This is after all the approach of the Holy Season, when the world comes to a slow stop, a brief pause, maybe a moment of prayer and the giving of gifts and blessings and in the rhythm of a heartbeat everything begins anew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba
I too like to think of this time of year as a time that reminds us of the light that is in us all. Sometimes, I forget that my loved ones have a Higher power and that I'm not it.
The nine years in Alanon helped me to Let Go and Let God, but its not easy. Especially when the loved ones are our children. In Alanon they asked me to keep the focus on me and to detach with love. I had no idea what those things meant at the time, let alone being able to do them. I had spent a lifetime focusing on others and how I wanted to fix them. (with no luck I might add) So they gently suggested, I should think about myself and do what was good for me, and to help those who actually came to me and asked or were willing to receive. They also gently suggested that for those who were not ready to ask for help--we could pray for them that they would be made willing. I don't know if my prayers helped them but they were reminders to me to let Go and let God. Sometimes God surprises me!
I got a bit of sunburn today taking a X country ski lesson. I was also in pain from last week, but persevered. The oldest student in the class, but I would like to have one more go at doing it right. There is a part of me that believes that I can do whatever I think I can. Well we'll see!
I think it's a little lighter out at this time today than it was yesterday....