Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mood Swings Meditation

It is one of those mornings where I am forced to pay close attention to things, because if I had a choice, I would have gone back to bed after I first got up. But I have work today.

Yesterday, the idea came to blog mood changes, and these are closely related to energy shifts in the body. But yesterday I was feeling pretty chipper, as the fire alarm inspector came and I had to be up early to let him in, and I succeeded in getting everything done that needed to be done before I was interrupted by his visit.

Today I got up and the first thing I noticed was…no energy. I feel tired, listless, dragged out. It’s a good thing I have my morning routine, as it is like a map of what to do, where to do it, and all I have to do is follow it, taking one step at a time.

What a perfect day to blog mood changes!

As I sit here at my keyboard, I picture myself floating in a large empty bowl of space. And despite the lack of energy, all I really want to do is to allow myself to settle to the very bottom of this bowl, in stillness and silence.

It would be easy to go off on a tangent and describe reasons why I feel this way. But the thing I really want and need to do is to regain my strength and energy. It seems to me that the first step in the process is letting it go and not to try and pump it up.

However, part of my morning routine is my physical exercises, and I did them in the exact same way as I am describing now, slowly, paying close attention, and trying not to push or rush through them. Feeling how sore and tired I am with every movement. Allowing myself to sink into the feeling.

I am blogging this in exactly the same way, one word at a time, no rush, no hurry.

Usually, I check email first thing, but today I opted for quiet. No radio, no distraction. Deal with the low energy!

An hour later, my mood swings meditation is bearing me up!

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