Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Dream of Breaking into Freedom

I have just finished my morning shower, and while toweling off I recalled a late morning dream I had just before waking.

I had gone up to Whistler in a snappy silver compact rental car with some family and friends, and we were all visiting my friend Robert who was in hospital.

He was wrapped in an orange blanket, his body and head covered and seemed not to hear us speaking to him. While we continued to talk he suddenly spoke saying, “Do you hear the glacier moving?”

At this cue, I could hear a dull and distant roar and looking out the window saw a nearby mountainside in motion, the white side of it rippling down like melting icing on a cake.

All of us looked in amazement as the rippling became a full-fledged avalanche and turned into an explosion of rocks and boulders which spread to the surrounding peaks. As we watched in growing horror the volley of debris came cascading towards the village and I realized that it was going to reach us and probably destroy the rental car, cutting off our means of escape from the devastation that was about to engulf us.

We all began racing toward the exit and fled from the hospital as we could hear the rocks crashing into the building behind us and destroying it. We seemed to be running through a forested area towards the ocean as my dream Whistler was also a waterfront town.

The harbor looked peaceful and I noticed people walking about their business seemingly oblivious of the disaster we were fleeing from. I turned around and could see everyone emerging safely from the forest at full run and I looked up.

In the sky a flock of white snow geese appeared in V-formation, and I felt the thrill of freedom and knew at that moment we were safe and all would be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Baba

The fear of death--its the big one underlying all our little fears. The
more I meditate on it the less likely it seems that we have been here
just to go nowhere.

It is funny though, because when I take the time to really
focus on it, I almost seem to awaken into a different place, filled with
beauty love and serenity. Sometimes I think I avoid going to that place out of
fear that I might decide not to come back to the 'real' world. silly I

But when I go 'there' I can't imagine what has kept me away for so
long. So then I speculate that somehow I know that place is what death
is like.

Or could be like if we let it --but so can this world if that makes sense.

Your dream sounded like a very powerful reminder of who we really are.