Friday, September 01, 2006

The View From My Window

The view from my apartment is not the greatest. My window faces directly towards the building next door, and because I don’t like people looking into my apartment I keep the curtains drawn most of the time. But on beautiful days like yesterday, I throw the windows open anyway.

When I did, I looked up to my right between the two buildings and looked at the towering tree across the street.

I've often admired the colors of the leaves in fall, but yesterday the sun was hitting it just right and I looked way up to the top and noticed the wind rippling the sun enriched green leaves and branches. I felt an immediate sense of peace and took a deep breath.

As I looked over to my left I saw the etched white trail of a jet stream, bridging the blue-sky gap between the buildings, the sun glistening off the surface of the distant plane. I was instantly filled with a feeling of adventure and hope.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hi Ted
Glad you are finding time to smell the roses and see what is. My time in Australia freed me up to see so much that my eyes generally would miss. Some days I just stood and laughed at the antics of a bird. I made choices to do things that at other times I might not have. And making these choices reminded me again that the beauty is there if I choose it. Trying to take that way of seeing back into a busy workaday world or into our ordinary day to day lives, is the real challenge.