Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring Blossoms & Blood Pressure

It is the end of my workweek, and Tuesday afternoon as I complete my chores, which I always save for the first of my two days off.

Two nights ago it rained, but at 9:46 a.m. the following morning when I drew my curtains and looked outside, my window ledges were drying off and the sky seemed a little brighter, albeit overcast, than it might if it was going to be a day of rain.

This morning however I woke to a brilliant sunshine and completed my outdoor errands in shirtsleeves, the first morning I have been able to leave without a jacket this season.

The blossoms are now emerging on the trees and bushes outside my window, and their presence makes me more eager to walk outside and greet the day. It was a joy to stroll leisurely to the supermarket and home to remove the final load of laundry from the dryer.

The other day at work I realized I forgot to take my blood pressure medication and so this morning was sure to place my pills out in full view of the orange juice so that I would not forget again. I don’t know whether my blood pressure has dropped and I would rather wait and let my doctor determine whether the daily increments of hydrochlorothiazide have made any difference in the level.

It is comforting just knowing that it is being monitored and that I am not ignoring a possibly serious situation. It took me long enough to gear up to getting checked though. I was hoping my body would normalize on its own, given my knowledge that my BP was too high, but it has been about 7 months and the only time it came down was when I was sick with a bad flu and couldn’t eat for a week.

When my doctor checked me last week, his eyebrows shot up and he said, "It's high! We're going to have to treat this." I knew this mean't yet another blood test and this time my favorite gal who usually leaves not a mark on me was off duty, and I was treated by a curt, matronly woman who left huge bruises on my arm and then tried to hide them with tape, until I refused to let her.

That was a few days ago and since then I have been taking medication pending another appointment with my family doctor next week to review the results of the blood test. The swelling and bruising has subsided and I am feeling upbeat.

Maybe the scent of flowers and the rays of the sun will form an alchemical mix with the medication to help lower my blood pressure more quickly.

Whatever the result, this new spring is already a healing balm!

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